Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cross it Off the List...

Right after my 25th birthday, I read a magazine article called “11 Things Every Woman Should Do In Her Lifetime” Number 11 was “Make your own list,” which is exactly what I proceeded to do only titling it my “10 Things To Do Before 30” list. I like short-term goals. But number 1 on the magazine list was to “Perfect a Signature Dish.”

I may not have created or perfected it myself but GDL’s Orecchiette with Spicy Sausage and Broccoli Rabe is by far the best thing I have ever cooked in my life and I am proudly deeming it “Julie’s Signature Dish!” I’ve already put a triumphant black line through number 1 on the list.

Now fellow vegetarians out there- calm yourselves. I did not eat sausage. I instead bought a soy Chorizo sausage right next to where I buy my Tofurkey at Stop n Shop. I’m always slightly wary of these meat substitutes but this was so much like the real McCoy that I’m still waiting to throw up. Fortunately, my digestive system is in tact. I know, T.M.I. right?

Anyways, preparing my new signature dish requires minimal effort. The broccoli rabe boils in salted water for two minutes and then gets set aside. In that same pot and water goes the orecchiette for just eight minutes. While the pasta cooks, you brown the sausage (or in my case soy-sage) in olive oil and then add red pepper flakes and garlic just before taking it off the heat. The pasta, broccoli rabe and seasoned sausage all gets combined with a good helping of Parmesan and… ohmigod! It is so f-ing good.

The orecchiette act as cupped hands protecting the precious chunks of spicy sausage and the beautiful deep green broccoli bend around the pasta like arching acrobats. The garlic adds fantastic flavor and the pepper flakes a jolt of heat. I’m literally drooling over my keyboard thinking of the leftover bowl that waits for me patiently on my refrigerator shelf.


1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to trying this dish, you have convinced me!!!!
